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Life After Tax Season: 10 Ideas to Reinvigorate Your CPA Firm

Now that you’ve made it through the intensity of tax season, where do you go from here?

We all know there needs to be a recharging of the “batteries.” But isn’t there more to do to re-balance and reinvigorate? Absolutely!

The thing is, CPAs are now busy all year-round with definite time periods of intensity, but there are no real lulls. So now is a great time to look at the totality of your business, address how it should best perform to diminish the pain of these intense times, and enhance the upside of the year-round demand.

Here are 10 worthy targets to create enhanced firm well-being:

  1. Identify top 10 priorities that would transform your firm.

  2. Schedule a facilitated retreat/strategic forum to dig deep into priorities and things that cause interference.

  3. Raise billing rates.

  4. Schedule a semi-annual M&A update for July and January.

  5. Evaluate and update your compensation system and goals for management.

  6. Survey clients and centers of influence. Identify 10 clients per partner that are being under-served.

  7. Update your business plan so you have a process to add 10 “A” clients.

  8. Engage HR experts to update profiles and recommend retention processes.

  9. Study service line efficiencies and design a plan to improve by 10%.

  10. Get into the mind of your community. Create forums to learn and create action plans.

Progress starts with an assessment and consensus from team players. The promise of even more potential and year-round excellence is the goal of every firm. Now that some intensity has subsided, turn up the heat on making your firm the best it can be.

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